My weekly Find Your Superpower newsletter covers these themes:

  • Making a career transition
  • Professional branding on LinkedIn
  • Reinventing ourselves for the future of work

Join 38,000+ subscribers and receive this free newsletter in your email inbox every Sunday morning. 

You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming webinars and bootcamp launches.

From employee to entrepreneur mindset

Find Your Superpower newsletter 066

Read time: 5 minutes­­­   

Topics covered: Mindset, branding, LinkedIn 30-day challenge


I have been really busy. In a good way.

This week I had three public engagements, one of them being very special to me: I conducted a...

LinkedIn is too serious... play a game with me!

Find Your Superpower newsletter 065

Read time: 3 minutes   

Topics covered: Gamification, free game, habit formation, LinkedIn


I have just closed enrolment for my upcoming six-week LinkedIn bootcamp as Cohort 3 is now fully booked. You could join the waitlist here!


Build and they will come (is a lie!)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 064

Read time: 5 minutes   

Topics covered: Storytelling, attraction marketing, entrepreneurship



“Are you Juliana?” said someone who walked up to say hello to me at Starbucks.

I was editing a print magazine for a client...

Pro branding tips (not just for influencers)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 063

Read time: 5 minutes­­­     

Topics covered: LinkedIn branding, LinkedIn bootcamp


At my recent EcosySTEM Summit for Leaders in STEM on Thursday, I gave a workshop on personal branding to the 100-pax science and...

Why LinkedIn isn’t fun for many people

Find Your Superpower newsletter 062

Read time: 5 minutes     

Topics covered: LinkedIn content marketing, analytics, bootcamp


I’ve been having a busy few weeks on school vacation with my family at Club Med Maldives (more to come in next week’s...

What it means to find your voice

Find Your Superpower newsletter 061

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Personal brand, storytelling, LinkedIn bootcamp


Earlier this week I received a sweet message from someone on LinkedIn. This is what she wrote (paraphrased for anonymity):

“Hi Juliana, I’ve enjoyed...

Distribution vs Conversion

Find Your Superpower newsletter 060

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Brand awareness, conversion marketing, lead generation


Most people think that I coach others on LinkedIn branding and storytelling.

I suppose that’s true.

But my work goes much deeper than that—I help...

Do you have a memorable brand?

Find Your Superpower newsletter 059

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Branding, executive coaching, LinkedIn bootcamp launch


I have a venture capitalist friend who wears orange exclusively.

I mean religiously.

Those of you in the ASEAN startup and VC space would immediately know who I...

I challenged someone. She now has a blue badge.

Find Your Superpower newsletter 058

Read time: 3 minutes

Topics covered: LinkedIn, branding, storytelling


Two years ago, I met a friend for coffee.

Let’s call her Penny*.

(Story anonymized and shared with her permission.)

Like everyone else, Penny was a “lurker” on...

The law of attraction on LinkedIn (is real)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 057

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: law of attraction, mindset, professional branding


One thing that continues to surprise me is that some folks don’t realize that they have a negative persona online.

Really? Me? Negative?

Nah… I’m...

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