My weekly Find Your Superpower newsletter covers these themes:

  • Making a career transition
  • Professional branding on LinkedIn
  • Reinventing ourselves for the future of work

Join 38,000+ subscribers and receive this free newsletter in your email inbox every Sunday morning. 

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A masterclass in empathy

Find Your Superpower newsletter 056

Read time: 4 minutes

Topics covered: LinkedIn, empathy, Happy Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day!

I have been meeting many people over the past two days at the Asia Professional Speakers Singapore’s DARE+ Summit, first speaking on a...

Social media tunnels into our soul

Find Your Superpower newsletter 055

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Social media, personal branding, content creator journey


I am now into Week 4 of my Find Your Superpower LinkedIn bootcamp, and we are entering a deeper and more reflective part of the learning journey: our mindset....

If I were starting a side hustle today

Find Your Superpower newsletter 054

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Solopreneurship, side hustle, small business


I don’t claim to understand international relations and macroeconomics, and I try to stay in my own lane. That said, I do know that things are getting a little...

A confused mind never buys

Find Your Superpower newsletter 053

Read time: 4 minutes

Topics covered: Branding, blue-ocean brand, networking


At any industry networking event, we usually start a conversation by asking the most natural question, “What do you do?” or “So, tell me more about...

Build a blue-ocean brand

Find Your Superpower newsletter 052

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Branding, six-week LinkedIn bootcamp


When I first decided to become a media entrepreneur in late 2017, I didn’t realize how tough a life choice I had made.

I had few to no friends or mentors in the industry.


Avoid these 5 LinkedIn mistakes

Find Your Superpower newsletter 051

Read time: 7 minutes

Topics covered: Branding, storytelling, six-week LinkedIn bootcamp


I am proud that cohort 1 of my flagship six-week Find Your Superpower LinkedIn bootcamp is entering its last stretch.

I’m super excited that 70% of the seats...

5 rules of personal branding, circa 2024

Find Your Superpower newsletter 050

Read time: 7 minutes

Topics covered: Personal branding, LinkedIn coaching, six-week LinkedIn bootcamp


It’s been a busy week for me: three corporate training sessions, cohort 1 of the bootcamp entering week 5, and now enrolling actively for cohort...

Why everyone needs a coach

Find Your Superpower newsletter 049

Read time: 7 minutes

Topics covered: Coaching, bootcamp launch, thought leadership on LinkedIn


I know mid-career professionals who have never once engaged a coach before.

How do I know?

I regularly get DMs from folks undergoing a career transition, or...

Storytelling: The key to unlocking LinkedIn

Find Your Superpower newsletter 048

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Business storytelling, virtual bootcamp, content creation on LinkedIn


As I enter the halfway mark of my six-week Find Your Superpower LinkedIn bootcamp, I am heartened by the progress some of the participants are...

Six-month update: I took my company remote

Find Your Superpower newsletter 047

Read time: 7 minutes

Topics covered: remote work, work from home, work from anywhere, hybrid work, flexible work, return to office, professional women


9 in 10 companies will announce a return-to-office (RTO) mandate by 2024, according to Resumebuilder....

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